Category: Uncategorized
Simplify Your Trading with Bollinger Bands
The history of trading bands, envelopes and channels is long and interesting. In the years since the creation of Bollinger Bands in 1983, a number of adaptive bands were created. Chief among them were Keltner Channels, introduced by Chester Keltner in the 1960s. This technical indicator is similar to Bollinger Bands, though rather than using … Continue reading Simplify Your Trading with Bollinger Bands
MT4 vs. MT5
Irrespective of experience, you’d be hard pressed to have not heard of MetaTrader, or MetaQuotes Software. Established in 2000, MetaQuotes Software Corp. is one of the leading developers of software applications for brokerages, banks and exchanges. The company has developed a series of popular products, ranging from a simple FX Charts platform to the MetaTrader … Continue reading MT4 vs. MT5
An Introduction to MetaTrader 4 Indicators
Technical analysis requires the use of various tools, and is often associated with the application of indicators. The award-winning MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform offers an extensive selection of technical indicators. It is one of the most popular trading platforms for forex traders, owing to its ease of use, generous features and automated trading ability. What’s … Continue reading An Introduction to MetaTrader 4 Indicators
An Introduction to Hedging
The verb ‘to hedge’ derives from the noun ‘hedge’ – that is, a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs. Sadly (for gardening enthusiasts) this is not an instruction in horticulture. Hedge has been used as a verb in the English language since the 16th century, with the meaning to ‘avoid commitment’. … Continue reading An Introduction to Hedging